Flushing accessories for ASC service units
Protective accessories to filter out sealants from A/C systems
Various adaptor kits for the flushing of A/C systems
Protective chip filters for A/C compressors to filter out contaminants
Professional service on automotive A/C systems naturally also includes flushing the system to clear away aggressive substances and contaminants from the refrigerant circuit. Flushing protects all parts of the air conditioner from damage, especially the compressor being its core component after the compressor has been replaced.
You will never get a hundred per cent clean refrigerant circuit, this because of the parallel flow evaporator technology commonly used these days. We strictly recommend you to add a chip filter to the suction line when you flush the system after the system have been flushed. This will protect the compressor and is especially advisable when you’ve replaced the compressor, as it will keep the remaining particles away from the newly fitted unit.
Important note: The filter (Ref. No. 8880700246) should be replaced after every flushing process (for each vehicle) of the flushing devise!
Some manufacturers offer flushing kits which work without an A/C service unit. Please consider the following facts: