Spare seal for service hoses, R134a, 3/8" x 3/8" SAE

The WAECO AirCon Service range includes a wide selection of quality service hoses for all applications in A/C fitting and service. There are a variety of lengths and connector types to choose from, and hoses for both R134a and R1234yf types of A/C system.
art.nr: 8885400023
... och mer
    • Plombering för AC-serviceslangar med 3/8" till 3/8" SAE-kopplingar
    • Tillåter enkelt utbyte av en skadad plombering
    • Tillverkade av högkvalitativ, hållbar teflon


SKU-nummer 8885400023 
Modell Reparing Set 
Produktbeskrivning Spare seal for service hoses, R134a, 3/8" x 3/8" SAE 
Nettovikt 0.04 kg
För köldmedium R134a 
EAN-13 4015704122602